October 3, 2014

Inspiration: autumn hikes

 Lately I've been kinda obsessed with pinning beautiful hike pictures on pinterest. I was always a nature person. Since my young days I loved forests, I loved hiking and I loved exploring the wild. As I grew, I kind of grew into loving the city too, but the wild never grew out of me. So while we're having a beautiful colourful and sunshiny autumn, I really am dreaming of going away for the weekend to the wild nature and doing nothing but hiking and camping for a few days. Personally, I really do think that there is no better time to hike than in autumtime, especially in the begining - cause the weather is still warm, but not hot, like in summertime, there are less people in the woods and I don't even have to mention the stunning autumn colour palette on the trees! I really really hope that my wish will be granted before the weather gets too cold and wintery.
 So here's my share of autumn inspired hike, nature and overall beautiful fall pictures from pinterest to inspire your day:
 Have a nice weekend!
Love, Kamile


  1. Labai gražios nuotraukos atrinktos :))
    p,s, aš ir kai pradedu pinterest sėdėt tai negaliu sustoti.


    1. Ačiū labai!:)
      Per daug ten viskas gražu,kad gautųsi lengvai sustoti:)

  2. gražūs įkvėpimai :) kartais atrodo, kad iš pinterest galima valandų valandas "neišlipti" :D

    Kosmetikos užrašai
