October 2, 2014

Hello October!

Hello, October! Oh, finally you came, I was waiting for you for so long! Not so many years back I didn't really like you too much, I thought you were cold and miserable, but I was so wrong! You are the most perfect month of a perfect season - autumn. When you come, the trees paint their leaves in all of those beautiful colours and the air finally starts to smell like autumn. You come sometimes with sunshine and sometimes with rain, but that's what makes you you! And I love the cozy feeling that you bring with you - finally the time for warm tea, cozy sweaters, dark lipsticks, pumpkins and apple pies start. And is there any better way than Halloween to say goodbye to you? Hello, and welcome, dear October. I wish you to be extraordinary this year.

Love, Kamile


  1. October is my favourite month! It kicks Summer in the ass and it welcomes Winter gradually. Funny though, in here it still feels like Summer, the temperatures are quite warm.

    1. Here the weather is totally autumn-like,but sunny autumn-like:)

  2. Įsivaizduok, įsijungiau tave ir negalėjau išjungt kol nepriėjau pabaigos! Taaaaip patikai. Žavu, gražu, šaunuolėė!

    1. O vau! Kaip smagu! Ačiū labai:) Uždėjai didžiulę šypseną ant mano veido:))
